Author: HighQT

Monitor children’s progress rigorously

By HighQT

You’ve done all the hard work – now it’s over to the pupils.  Don’t be tempted to fire off a quick email or prepare for the next lesson: use this time wisely.   Checklist Circulate with purpose.  Have a plan: know what you are checking for and where you are going.   ✔ Carry out live marking…

Provide Scaffolding

By HighQT

To enable all pupils to access the learning, provide them with a scaffold.  Rather than setting lower expectations, support pupils to reach ambitious goals using a range of scaffolding processes.

Allow ‘Struggle’ Time

By HighQT

Allow time for pupils to attempt a task before offering help.  Often teachers set pupils a task and then jump straight in, supporting a group of pupils.  Inadvertently the teacher or (learning support) remove the opportunity for pupils to apply independent learning strategies.    Checklist Set children off on a task.  ✔ Pause. Stand where you…

Set Expectations (TORN)

By HighQT

TORN (Time, Outcome, Resources, Noise Level) Be explicit with your expectations so that all pupils know what you want.  Using the acronym TORN (see checklist) is an effective way of remembering to give all the key information to pupils. Setting the expectations before giving a task can also ensure that you are not stopping pupils…

Provide success criteria

By HighQT

Success criteria set out the evidence you are looking for to determine if a pupil has been successful in their learning.  You may not use success criteria in all lessons, but if you do choose to include success criteria, the checklist below provides an excellent starting point.   Checklist Success criteria clearly communicate what you’re looking…

Decide when to move on

By HighQT

Establish how confident pupils are. Return to the ‘I DO’ phase if necessary and provide further modelling.  Checklist Teacher carefully checks understanding (see Check for Understanding section).    ✔ Teacher provides an opportunity for children to ask questions. ✔ Teacher assesses whether children are ready to move into the ‘You Do’ phase.  ✔ Teacher uses flexible…

Develop Pupils’ Responses

By HighQT

In this section, you will find 12 ideas for supporting pupils to develop their responses. The average wait time between asking a question and choosing a pupil to respond can be as little as 0.7 – 1.5 seconds. Ask a question. Pause for 3-5 seconds. Seek responses. Ask a question. Think: Give time for pupils to think…

Check for Understanding

By HighQT

Ask a variety of questions to assess children’s understanding.   Checklists Cold call checklist: 1. Ask the question  ✔ 2. Pause for 3 – 5 seconds  ✔ 3. Select a child to answer  ✔ Talk To Your Partner (TTYP) checklist: 1. Ask the question  ✔ 2. Pause for 3 – 5 seconds   ✔ 3. Say: ‘Talk…

Interactive Instruction

By HighQT

Before children move to the independent phase, it’s important to provide interactive instruction to allow children time to practise and consolidate their understanding.