Check for Understanding

Ask a variety of questions to assess children’s understanding.  


Cold call checklist:

1. Ask the question 
2. Pause for 3 – 5 seconds 
3. Select a child to answer 

Talk To Your Partner (TTYP) checklist:

1. Ask the question 
2. Pause for 3 – 5 seconds  
3. Say: ‘Talk to your partner’  
Before using this, the routine must be established so that children learn to: 
a. Physically turn to face their partner  
b. Take it in turns to speak and to listen 
c. Show they are actively listening by using gestures (for example nodding or eye contact) 

Mini-whiteboard checklist:

1. Teacher poses a question and asked children to respond on their mini-whiteboards  
2. Children write BIG so that it is easy to see (teach this and insist on this) 
3. Children keep their boards down and covered until asked to show them  
4. Children raise their boards simultaneously. Use a simple 3-2-1- ‘show me’  
5. Children hold their boards at chest height and keep their boards still.  
6. Teacher scans all boards (and insists boards stay up until they have all been seen) 
7. Teacher decides what to do with the information (they could address a misconception; re-teach the content; practice a procedure again; move on; make a note of the children that may need further support; deploy a learning support to help).  


  • Cold calling – no opt out  
  • Use focus children (low/middle attainers)  
  • Choral responses (or call and response)  
  • Think, Pair, Share  
  • Ask open ended questions: What have you understood?  
  • ‘Bounce’ questioning around to hear multiple responses from children 
  • Use mini whiteboards to ensure participation from ALL children 


Coming soon.