Monitor children’s progress rigorously

You’ve done all the hard work – now it’s over to the pupils.  Don’t be tempted to fire off a quick email or prepare for the next lesson: use this time wisely.  


Circulate with purpose.  Have a plan: know what you are checking for and where you are going.  
Carry out live marking and assess pupils’ success so far.  Are you noticing any common misconceptions or areas where pupils need additional support?  
Provide 1:1, small group or whole class feedback to redirect learning and help pupils to stay on task. 


During a maths lesson:

  • circulate to check all pupils have made a positive start.
  • check all pupils have calculated the first two questions correctly.
  • look for potential misconceptions and then address these by providing additional support.
  • Focus additional support on identified individuals.


Coming soon.