Provide success criteria

Success criteria set out the evidence you are looking for to determine if a pupil has been successful in their learning.  You may not use success criteria in all lessons, but if you do choose to include success criteria, the checklist below provides an excellent starting point.  


Success criteria clearly communicate what you’re looking for. 
Success criteria are shared and revisited at appropriate points in the lesson. 
Success criteria are specific enough so that learning can be evaluated. 
All students prove their learning against each of the success criteria.  


Success Criteria for a creating a scary setting description:  

  • Use short sentences to create tension.  
  • Balance the short sentences with longer ones containing detail.  
  • Introduce a noise to your character, but don’t reveal what made the noise. 
  • Mention the darkness or the cold. 
  • Have the character think aloud, e.g. “What was that?” 
  • Describe the character’s reactions to show how they feel, e.g. His hand gripped the banister until his knuckles turned white.


Coming soon.