Category: I Do

Thinking Aloud (Metacognition)

By HighQT

Modelling by the teacher is a cornerstone of effective teaching; revealing the thought processes (thinking aloud) of an expert learner helps to develop pupils’ metacognitive skills.   Checklist Model your thinking process and choices.   ✔ Model your thinking process in relation to self (your own skills, strengths and challenges).   ✔ Model your thinking in relation to…

Live Modelling

By HighQT

Before pupils attempt a task, it’s crucial that the teacher models how to be successful in the given task. Using a visualiser model live is an excellent strategy and supports teacher workload.   Checklist Walk through the process to show children an example (or several examples depending on context/familiarity).  🗸 Think aloud.  🗸 Teach in small…

Explaining and Presenting Content Clearly

By HighQT

Why? When delivering new content, it’s important to teach in small steps to reduce cognitive load.   Checklist Don’t ask questions: teach the new content.   ✔ Reveal new information slowly.  ✔ Avoid using speech and text simultaneously: children cannot listen and read simultaneously.   ✔ Strip back presentation: remove extraneous visuals and text.   ✔ Use signalling to…

Ensure all Children are Paying Attention

By HighQT

“What we attend to is ultimately what we learn” – Peps Mccrea. Ensure that, during the I DO phase, pupils show the learning behaviours that mean they will successful.   Checklist Ensure that pens/pencils are down are children are not multi-tasking  🗸 Children are looking at you (and any visuals you are using)   🗸 Children are actively…

Explaining and Presenting Content Clearly

By HighQT

When delivering new content, it’s important to teach in small steps to reduce cognitive load.   Checklist Don’t ask questions: teach the new content. 🗸 Use visual representation, allowing thinking and processing time (e.g. in science, a simplified diagram of the heart).   🗸 Use simple diagrams/models 🗸 Avoid using speech and text: children cannot listen and…

Establishing Purpose

By HighQT

Establish the purpose of the learning, share the intended outcomes and link learning to previous learning.  Checklist The learning intention relates to the learning not the doing  🗸 Learning outcome is clear and concise 🗸 An example is given 🗸 A link to why this learning may be useful in the real world 🗸 Examples…