Thinking Aloud (Metacognition)

Modelling by the teacher is a cornerstone of effective teaching; revealing the thought processes (thinking aloud) of an expert learner helps to develop pupils’ metacognitive skills.  


Model your thinking process and choices.  
Model your thinking process in relation to self (your own skills, strengths and challenges).  
Model your thinking in relation to task.  
Model your thinking in relation to existing strategies.  
Model possible misconceptions and errors and how to correct them (make mistakes).  


Model the appropriate choice of words. Not sure that’s quite the right word… 
Model the shaping of sentences, for sense, for emphasis, or for clarity. Ah – now does that order make better sense? 
Model improvement – going back and changing it, and then changing it again, until it is right. No, that still isn’t quite right. How can I…? 
Model resilience when it’s difficult.  No, that’s not good enough. Hang on… 
Model enjoyment and satisfaction in writing well.  Ahh… That’s so much better! 
Model failure: let it go wrong and then work out how to make it right.  Not sure about that bit. Okay, let’s scrub that and… 
Model high standards of spelling and punctuation.  Right, let me be absolutely sure…  
Model being stuck.  Not sure. What have I done before that helped? What do I know that might help? 
Model the use of support materials, including working walls, in-class resources, success criteria and dictionaries. I just need to check…  

Further Information

Metacognition and Self-regulated Learning, Education Endowment Foundation


Coming soon.