Ensure all Children are Paying Attention

“What we attend to is ultimately what we learn” – Peps Mccrea. Ensure that, during the I DO phase, pupils show the learning behaviours that mean they will successful.  


Ensure that pens/pencils are down are children are not multi-tasking 🗸
Children are looking at you (and any visuals you are using)  
Children are actively listening 🗸
Reduce extraneous cognitive load 🗸


Doug Lemov’s STAR 

Sit up to look interested and stay engaged.  

Track the speaker to show other people their ideas matter. 

Appreciate your classmates’ ideas by nodding, smiling and so on when they speak.  
Rephrase the words of the person who spoke before you to they know you were listening.  

Further Information

Teach Like a Champion 3.0: Doug Lemov (Page 397 – Habits of Attention).  


Video coming soon