Live Modelling

Before pupils attempt a task, it’s crucial that the teacher models how to be successful in the given task. Using a visualiser model live is an excellent strategy and supports teacher workload.  


Walk through the process to show children an example (or several examples depending on context/familiarity). 🗸
Think aloud. 🗸
Teach in small steps to reduce cognitive load.  🗸
Use correct subject-specific terminology. 🗸
Model using the resources/scaffolds that are available to support pupils (for example a bar model in Maths or a writing frame in English).  🗸
Review the success or quality of your own work.  🗸

Examples of live modelling

Within a Maths lesson, model adding three-digit numbers.  

  1. Model each stage step-by-step: 
    • Write one number underneath the other, carefully lining up the digits. 
    • Add the numbers in the one’s column. 
    • Add the numbers in the ten’s column. 
    • Add the numbers in the hundred’s column. 
    • Check that the answer is broadly what we were expecting.  
  1. Think aloud whist doing this (for example, I have written my first number, now I need to make sure I line the digits up correctly when writing my second number). 


Video coming soon