Category: Prior to Teaching Content

Prerequisite Knowledge Check

By HighQT

Consider: What core knowledge must children have before they can access the new learning? Carry out a prerequisite knowledge check to ensure that children have this knowledge. Checklist Make a list of the knowledge children must have to access their new learning. ✔ Provide an opportunity for children to show this knowledge (carefully considering the…

Linking New Learning to Prior Knowledge

By HighQT

Establish what children already know and ensure that new learning builds on prior learning.  Knowledge builds on knowledge. Checklist Be aware of pupils’ previous learning (both in their current year group and in previous year groups). ✔ Plan how to link the new knowledge to pupils’ existing knowledge. ✔ Revisit the ‘Big Ideas’ within each curriculum…

Establish Routines

By HighQT

Establishing well-rehearsed routines in the classroom can ensure low-level disruptions are avoided and learning time is maximised. 

Retrieval Practice

By HighQT

Provide opportunities for retrieval practice to support the storage of knowledge into long-term memory. 

Providing Feedback on Previous Learning

By HighQT

Provide feedback from previous learning: address any misconceptions before moving on.  Checklist (for whole-class feedback) Read through pupils’ work. ✔ Note the strengths. ✔ Note the areas for improvement. ✔ Give the feedback. ✔ Re-teach any specific content. ✔ Give improvement time. ✔ Example Whole-class feedback after children independently write. Further Information Walkthrus Video Video…