Establish Routines

  • Routines save time.
  • Routines help to reduce extraneous cognitive load so that children can focus on what matters – the learning.
  • Teach and practice the routines that pupils use regularly. For example, the routine to enter the classroom or the routine to respond on mini-whiteboards. 


(for introducing a new routine)
Break the routine into small steps.
Model each step
Practise each step
Don’t let standards slip


Mini-whiteboard routine
  1. Teacher poses a question and asked children to respond on their mini-whiteboards.  
  2. Children write BIG so that it is easy to see.
  3. Children keep their boards down and covered until asked to show them  
  4. Children raise their boards simultaneously. Use a simple 3-2-1- ‘show me’.
  5. Children hold their boards at chest height and keep their boards still.  
  6. Teacher scans all boards (and insists boards stay up until they have all been seen).
  7. Check and respond. Decide what to do with the information (Address a misconception. Re-teach the content. Practise again. Move on. Make a note of the children that may need further support. Deploy your learning support based on answers).  

Further Reading



More examples of how to gather children’s attention  

  • All eyes on me in  
  • Three  
  • Pencils down  
  • Two   
  • Everyone Silent  
  • One   
  • Thank you   
  • Be seen looking. Scan the room and wait for ALL children before speaking.   
  • If needed (Correct anonymously: I’m just waiting for one person… thank you)