Providing Feedback on Previous Learning

Provide feedback from previous learning: address any misconceptions before moving on. 


(for whole-class feedback)
Read through pupils’ work.
Note the strengths.
Note the areas for improvement.
Give the feedback.
Re-teach any specific content.
Give improvement time.


Whole-class feedback after children independently write.
  1. Carefully look at pupils’ writing.
  2. Identify specific strengths (against what you have taught leading up to the writing) and share one or two excellent examples.
  3. Identify specific areas for improvement. Show these using a visualiser (or in another way).
  4. Re-teach the area for improvement.
  5. Model how to make improvements. For example, if children are not using capital letters and full stops, show them how to add these in.
  6. Give children the time to make immediate improvements.

Further Information



Video coming soon